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​Terms and conditions



Dear Parents,

Thank you for joining Kitty Artist’s Studio’s lesson(s). Please spare a minute to read the terms and conditions below,


  1. 家長必須於新一期第一堂前根據學費袋上標明的銀碼繳交全數學費,否則須另繳交行政費用50元正。
    Before the first lesson of each term, all the payments have to be paid completely according to the amount stated on the tuition fee envelopes. There will be $50 extra charges for any delayed payments.


  2. 所有款項不設退款,家長亦不能把學生剩餘的課堂讓予其他學生。
    All the payments made are not refundable and cannot be transferred to another student.


  3. 所有課堂必須依順週次完成,本畫室絕不容許順延課堂。
    Students must attend all the lessons accordingly per terms, we do not postpone any lessons once the payment was made.


  4. 每位學員四節課中,如有特別情況可請假一次;家長請致電所就讀分校與導師另約一節補課時間,補課內容由本畫室決定。
    Students may request an absence once per 4 lessons, please contact us to arrange a make-up lesson. Our Studio reserves the rights for the teaching content of any make-up lessons.


  5. 請注意所有補課須於三週內進行。如在沒有另行通知下缺席補課,將被視為放棄該堂數。
    Please be aware that parents must book for a make-up lesson within three weeks, and from our available times . We cannot reschedule a missed or disarranged make-up lesson.

  6. 如超過三週仍未補堂將視作放棄該課堂,本畫室將不設另行通知。
    Any absented lesson which do not request for a make-up lesson within three weeks, will be considered as giving up according lesson automatically.


  7. 所有補堂均須提前預約,如無預約卻前來補課之學員,本畫室將會另行收取行政費用50元正。
    Students may book for a make-up lesson within our available times and dates, $50 administration fee will be charged for any replacement class attended without proper notice.


  8. 部分公眾假期為本畫室休息日,該日課程將不會順延。屆時本畫室將會提前通知家長安排其他日子上課。
    Courses which should be attended on public holidays will be amend to other date and time with prior notice, for the latest notice, please visit our Studio's website.


  9. 本畫室所有課堂均會準時上課,準時下課;所有課程均不會額外安排補鐘及順延。如家長未能準時接送學員上下課,必須於課程開始前致電所屬分校通知老師。如家長多次延誤接學員下課,導致影響本畫室之運作;本畫室有權收取多一節課程費用以作補償而不作另行通知。
    All of our courses will be started and ended on time, extra time will not be given to students who are late for class. For parents unable to pick up students from class on time, please inform our teacher in prior. We reserve the right to charge an extra lesson as compensation for affecting our operations for parents those unable to pick up students on time rapidly.

  10. 本畫室所有課程均由導師編排,因此所有年齡之視藝班並不包括畫室課程外之功課輔導,比賽,專科設計與人像素描;如要報讀有關以上內容之課程,請向本畫室導師查詢。
    Due to all courses are scheduled from our tutors; homework and competition tutoring, any professional designs and portrait sketching is not included in our normal art courses. Please inquire our tutors for more information for the above courses.


  11. 如學員中途停學,學位不會被保留,所有餘下的補課也立即取消。
    Spaces and make-up lesson(s) will not be preserved for students who withdraw from the course.


  12. 在颱風或暴雨等惡劣天氣情況下,本畫室將於八號或更強的暴風信號、及黑色暴雨下停課,請家長留意本畫室網頁公佈的消息。所有因惡劣天氣情況引致之停課,均不設補課或退款。
    Lessons will be cancelled under Typhoon Signal No.8 (or above) and Black rainstorm. Parents please pay attention to the latest announcements made by our Studio’s website. No make-up lessons or refund will be provided for cancelled classes due to inclement weather conditions.


  13. 如有任何爭議,西貝畫室保留最終決定權。
    In event of any disputes, Kitty Artist’s Studio reserves the right of final decision.


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